Friday, January 4, 2008

Efficiency Standards and the Current Administration

I was reading that the federal Department of Energy has been required to update efficieny standards for consumer appliances. This began in 1975 by an act of Congress. However, for some reason the DOE stopped doing this in 2001. Evidently it was no longer a priority. Now this makes it much easier on corporations that manufacture devices that use energy. They do not have to redesign their products as much. Of course consumers end up spending more on energy costs. Believe it or not some people have said that this is due to the Bush Administrations cozy relationship with certain lobbys or the corporate world in general. Or some would say it is because they are pro-business.

Anyway, several state's attorney's general have filed lawsuits and won at least one to force the DOE to follow the law. Pretty ridiculous that they would have to do this, eh? Here are some links:

Another, related links on lawsuits against the DOE regarding efficiency:

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